Rock 'n' Physics: Science and Social Change Yesterday and Today

Rock 'n' Physics

The FIG covers the influences changes in technology had and still have on rock n roll, modern-day music, and Social Change.  What was the attitude for change in the Woodstock Era of Music?  How does it compare to what the freshman in college world experience today, now? We will also couple the Braiding Sweetgrass Common Read into discussions and the possibility of developing a more holistic look at science changing methods of living and developing technology in the future.

Students explore the intersection of topics by taking the following course package:

UGST 109 First-Year Experience Seminar - 1-credit

PHYS 152 Physics of Sound and Music - CoreEd or major satisfying course - 4-credits

Practical course for students with interest in how musical sounds are created by various instruments and how they travel, are recorded, synthesized, and optimized by auditorium design. Specific families of instruments (e.g. woodwinds, brass, and strings) will be discussed. The concepts of standing waves, overtone series, and enclosures (e.g. instruments) to amplify and focus these waves form the basic foundation of the course. Other topics include the mechanics of how human hearing and voice work and musical temperament and pitch.

MUS 281 Music of the Woodstock Generation 

Examines the relationship between popular music and social upheavals in the United States during the 1960s.

FIG Theme:

Science and Society

Flight Path Themes:

Scientific Discovery and Sustainability Global Connections