FIG Frequently Asked Questions

When can I register for a FIG?

Advanced FIG Registration is now closed.

Advanced Registration took place from Thursday, June 6th starting at 4:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time and ended on Monday, June 24th, at 12:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time. After this date, students will be able to change, add, or drop their FIG during their Academic Advising Session at IntroDUCKtion. Changes to FIG registration will be available after the initial advising appointment throughout September until classes begin.

Students who do not enroll in a FIG in June are eligible to enroll after their advising appointment in the summer.

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Will my FIG choice affect my housing?

FIGs are not linked to housing and will not have an impact on your residence hall selection. 

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How many students take a First-Year Experience?

On average, about 1 in 2 eligible first-year students take a First-Year Experience.

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What are Deep Dive FIGs?

Deep Dive FIGs give students a distinct academic experience because they create an immersive learning environment. Some of the Deep Dive FIGs include an intermediate course (which may include 300 level) that is smaller than the courses in many of the other FIGs and is intended to encourage students to explore subjects in depth. Other Deep Dive FIGs have projects, unique field trips, performances, and more that allow students to really dive deep into subject matter.

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What is a Cluster FIG?

Cluster FIGs consist of only one co-enrolled core education course. A secondary 4-5 credit course is required (you will choose from a list of courses and then enroll yourself in that additional course through Duckweb.)

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What is a Reacting to the Past FIG?

Reacting to the Past (RTTP) is an award-winning series of immersive role-playing games that actively engage students in their own learning. Students assume the roles of historical characters and practice critical thinking, primary source analysis, and argument. There are no RTTP FIGs available for fall 2024.

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If I have a declared major, should I take a FIG?

Most often, yes! Most majors have a lot of flexibility, so you should choose a FIG that interests you. Some majors have specific tracks to get you started on working toward your degree your first term, but most do not. Every FIG counts toward your degree, no matter which major you chose. Find a FIG that interests you and then sign up for it once FIG Registration opens. During IntroDUCKtion you can talk with your advisor to explore how that FIG fits with your academic plans. 

More Major specific information below.

What FIGs should science students take? 

Biology, chemistry, environmental science, or human physiology majors should choose a FIG that includes chemistry. Enrollment in Chemistry FIGs takes place at IntroDUCKtion, after your advisor has used your math placement score to help you select the chemistry track that is right for you.

Can students who major in music or dance take FIGs?

Students in the music degree program should consult with an advisor before requesting a FIG. Dance majors may take any FIG.

What FIG should an education pre-major choose?

If you would like to enter elementary education, we encourage you to choose a FIG with a science course. For middle or secondary education, find a FIG related to your possible major.

Which FIGs do you recommend for journalism and business pre-majors?

Any FIG is great for you to take! Your advisor will help you plan for the introductory courses in your major around your FIG selection.

What about students seeking a bachelor of architecture degree?

If you have already been admitted to the program leading to the B.Arch. degree, talk to your advisor during IntroDUCKtion. There are a handful of FIGs that Architecture majors are eligible for and your advisor will suggest the FIG best suited for you.If you are not an admitted student in the Architecture Program but are interested in exploring architecture as a possible major, contact First-Year Programs about potential FIG options.

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Can I change my mind later about the FIG I’m requesting?

Yes. When you meet with your academic advisor you can stay in the FIG in which you’ve been enrolled, choose another, or decide not to be in a FIG. Choosing a FIG during FIG Registration provides a framework that you can build on or revise when you meet your advisor.

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May I request only one of the classes in the FIG?

No. Most FIGs are made of two lecture courses and a FYE Seminar course. Students in the FIG learn to think across disciplines by exploring the related themes of the two courses.

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What if I already have AP or College credit for one of the courses in the FIG?

The Registrar has a no repeat policy. If you already have credit for one or more courses in the FIG, you will have to take a different FIG.  Common courses we see transfer credit for: History, Political Science, and Psychology.

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What if I can’t attend IntroDUCKtion?

If you cannot attend IntroDUCKtion, then a FIG is an excellent choice for you. Reserving your space in a FIG guarantees you a space in the associated courses for next fall.

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What is FIG Runway?

A FIG Runway is a year-long first-year experience in which you take a year-long seminar with the same professor and peers. After the fall FIG courses, students enroll in a 1-credit seminar in winter and spring to continue exploring the FIG Runway theme. FIG Faculty also recommend Core-Education courses you can take in winter and spring to further connections to the topic.

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What if I’m a student in the Robert D. Clark Honors College?

We recommend Clark Honors College (CHC) students to choose a FIG from the list of FIGs that have been selected to not overlap with CHC core education requirements. You can explore CHC FIG options here (scroll down the webpage until you find the CHC list.) If you don't see a FIG you want on the list, talk to your advisor about you FIG choice.

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Can students in the Undergraduate Support Program enroll in FIGs?

You will be automatically enrolled in a FIG that has been designed just for you!

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What if I change my mind about a FIG fall term?

FIGs are a package of classes, and when dropping a FIG, all associated courses are dropped. A FIG can be dropped by contacting the FIG Office through our email You must send the email from your official uoregon email, and include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your student ID number
  • The FIG you are dropping
  • An acknowledgement that you understand you will be dropped from the FIG Seminar as well as the associated lecture courses

The request will then be sent to the Registrar by the FIG Program. The Registrar will process the drop request as soon as possible. This process is not immediate.  

 Please Note: 

 After week 8, in order to drop, a student must complete a petition. Contact for instructions on this process.

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