FYE Faculty

Each First-Year Experience (FYE) is unique and tailored to explore an exciting academic theme while helping students acclimate to campus both academically and socially. First-Year Programs thrives on the enthusiasm, expertise, and creativity of our faculty. Faculty provide our students with unique opportunities to engage with the University of Oregon during their first year on campus. First-Year Programs offer faculty members unique teaching opportunities.

For fall 2025, First-Year Programs will be offering First-Year Interest Groups (FIGs). 

Faculty members from every discipline and department are encouraged to propose FIGs.

First-Year Interest Groups

Each First-Year Interest Group (FIG) is unique and tailored to explore an exciting academic theme, while helping students acclimate to campus both academically and socially.

Are you a faculty member who…

  • is dedicated to First-Year student success?
  • wants to provide expertise about a subject you are passionate about, and engage students outside of the traditional classroom setting?
  • would enjoy collaborating with an undergraduate peer mentor (FIG Assistant)?
  • is teaching a core education course fall term that you think would be good fit for First-Year students*?

*Preference is to have faculty teach FYE Seminar and a core education course that are both part of the FIG’s package of classes. However, please contact First-Year Programs to discuss your FIG teaching eligibility, even if this is not possible.

Yes? Then consider proposing a FIG! The commitment is teaching a 1-credit seminar fall term, called FYE Seminar.

For 10 weeks, become part of a powerful community that makes a real impact on new students. Did you know that….

  • Approximately 1 in 2 eligible First-Year students enroll in a First-Year Experience (FYE).
  • Students who participate in a FYE their freshman year earn significantly higher grades throughout their first year and beyond.
  • FYE students return for their sophomore year at a higher rate than their non-FYE peers, and are more likely to graduate in four years.

Faculty Benefits


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Join a Community
FIG faculty are supported by a team of dedicated professionals, an exceptional undergraduate peer mentor/academic teaching assistant (FIG Assistant), and fellow faculty members.


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Rewarding Teaching Experience
Small class size and programmatic structure allows faculty to make meaningful and long-lasting connections with first-year students at the beginning of an important milestone in their lives.


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Teach Your Passion
Our most successful FIGs explore content that a faculty member is excited about. You decide the academic theme and which connecting lecture courses students will be enrolled in.