Rock 'n' Physics Faculty and FIG Assistant

Faculty Portrait

FIG College Connections Faculty: Stan Micklavzina - Department of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences

Stanley Micklavzina is experienced in the history of Rock ‘n Roll, and is one of those guys who hangs out with a bunch of musicians…In other words, a drummer. He also plays a few chords on the guitar and ukulele and can sing – well, rock ‘n' roll anyway. The musician who had the biggest impact on his life, and according to him, the world, is Jimi Hendrix. He looks really young but actually lived through the original Beatlemania, Acid Rock, Punk Rock, Disco and Indie waves.

Micklavzina has been a faculty member in the UO Department of Physics since 1985.  He is in charge of physics lecture demonstrations, which requires expertise with coordinating the universe around us in such a way as to demonstrate, in action, the nature of a phenomenon being discussed in theory. He designs ways to show physics principles for lectures and the public. He teaches courses in the department including the introductory physics sequence, lab courses, and special topic courses such as ‘The Physics of Renewable Energy.’ He is also renowned for his public physics demonstration shows and working to combine demonstrating science with performance.

The connections course will focus on Stan’s vast knowledge of physics demonstrations to bring an understanding of the physical world by observing the applied physics behind the instruments, amplifiers, effects and sound of Rock ‘n Roll. This study will always be interwoven into the history of Rock ‘n Roll from the 1950s to the present. The overarching idea is to change the way you look at the physical universe that surrounds you.


Student Portrait

FIG Assistant: Alex Taloyo

Hello, incoming freshmen! My name is Alex and I will be the FIG Assistant for Fall 2021's Rock 'n' Physics FIG. I was a member of the FIG Humans: An Origin Story in Fall 2019 and the FIG Assistant for Game of Evolution in Fall 2020. Regardless of your major, I look forward to assisting you in this wonderful opportunity for interdisciplinary education.

I grew up in Salem, Oregon and chose to study at the University of Oregon for academic interest and personal compatibility. The various opportunities available in the Physics department are attractive, and I also get to experience a familiar Oregon atmosphere while remaining at a distance suitable for starting a new life.

Coming to UO is a fresh start, but just talking to people and asking around yields countless opportunities to explore various communities. As a freshman, I first joined the Society of Physics Students (SPS) and made close friends with a community of people that attended a program known as North Star, and I also became a core member of the Table Tennis Club. At this time, I am the Vice President of the Table Tennis Club, as well as the Vice President of a newly established quantum physics club that I co-founded named Quantastic Physics. I also work in a lab at CAMCOR under Huestis, where I mainly do TEM lamella prep with the plasma FIB. In my free time, I enjoy playing chess and table tennis, transcribing music for my flute and piano, and reading manga.

I am excited and honored to be a part of your new life here at the UO! If you registered for Rock ‘n’ Physics, I’d like to get to know you a little better before we begin the fall term. You can share your name and a bit about yourself or your interests via email; perhaps why you chose this FIG and what you’re looking forward to in the class and at the UO as well. I will almost always be available for questions or guidance, especially content-wise, so please use me as a learning resource! Have an enjoyable, healthy, and safe summer; I look forward to meeting all of you!
