Media Mirror

media mirror

Media Mirror explores how images reflect and influence the ways we think and live. Reflecting on the origins of media in the artifacts of early humans, we will use and interpret 21st Century media forms, including art, music, interactive technologies, television, Internet and print publications, and even your dreams, which are a form of media known only to you. We will envision future media. Understanding how media environments both echo and shape your images of yourself and the ways you interact with others will enrich your life, enhance your creativity, and strengthen your thinking and decision making.  

Students explore the intersection of topics by taking the following course package:

UGST 109 First-Year Experience Seminar - 1-credit

J 201 Media and Society - CoreEd or major satisfying course, 4-credits

What is the relationship between media industry and media content? How does popular culture articulate cultural beliefs and practices? How do we analyze and interpret the media industries? This course is designed to equip students with the key concepts, theories, and methods to undertake their own critical analyses of media and the industries that make them. It will examine how media emerge within specific social and historical contexts and how they participate in ideological practices with wide-reaching cultural consequences.

PSY 202 Mind and Society - CoreEd or major satisfying course, 4-credits

This course is an introduction to psychological research methods, child and adult development, personality structure and functioning, social processes in everyday life, cultural and cross-cultural models of human adaptation, and abnormal-clinical psychology. This course is part of a two-term sequence in introductory psychology. The other course in this sequence (PSY 201) emphasizes learning, perception, memory, and the role of neural structures in psychological processes. PSY 201 and 202 are not prerequisites for each other.