Please note: All Instant Chat messages, emails, and phone messages will be responded to between 9 AM and 4 PM on business days.
Students can change, add, or drop their FIG during the summer. Changes to FIG registration are available from July 5th through September until classes begin. See below for a how-to guide on making FIG changes.
If you’re interested in joining a FIG, we recommend you start looking at the descriptions of each FIG on our "Fall 2023 FIGs" page. This page will show which FIGs currently have open spaces starting July 5th, and is updated hourly during business hours. Remember, all FIGs count toward your degree no matter which one you choose, so make sure to find a few FIGs that interest you!
FIGs are first-come, first-served, and we don’t offer a waiting list, so it’s a good idea to have a few back-up FIG options in mind.
"I have not met with my advisor yet and want to add a FIG"
Students are not eligible to make FIG changes until they have met with an advisor. Watch for an email from Advising in Late June or early July to sign up for that appointment.
Below is the most immediate and effective way to contact us. It will require you log-in to Microsoft Teams with your Duck ID.
You can also reach us via phone or email:
Phone: 541-346-1131
Email: figs@uoregon.edu
"I have not met with my advisor yet and want to change my FIG"
Students are not eligible to make FIG changes until they have met with an advisor. Watch for an email from Advising in Late June or early July to sign up for that appointment.
Below is the most immediate and effective way to contact us. It will require you log-in to Microsoft Teams with your Duck ID.
You can also reach us via phone or email:
Phone: 541-346-1131
Email: figs@uoregon.edu
"I have already met with my advisor and want to add a FIG"
If you have already met with your advisor and now would like to add a FIG, please connect with the FIG office so a FIG Team member can help you select and add a FIG.
Below is the most immediate and effective way to contact us. It will require you log-in to Microsoft Teams with your Duck ID.
You can also reach us via phone or email:
Phone: 541-346-1131
Email: figs@uoregon.edu
"I have already met with my advisor and want to change my FIG"
If you have already met with your advisor and now would like to change your FIG, please connect with the FIG office so a FIG Team member can help you select and add a new FIG.
Below is the most immediate and effective way to contact us. It will require you log-in to Microsoft Teams with your Duck ID.
You can also reach us via phone or email:
Phone: 541-346-1131
Email: figs@uoregon.edu
Planning to Drop Your FIG?
Are you dropping due to a course conflict?
You may be able to take a different discussion section or lab if the FIG conflicts with something you need to take. Reach out to the FIG Office and explain your conflict, there are often solutions! Also, consider if you need the conflicting course THIS TERM. Fall term is your only chance in four years to participate in a FIG, chances are you can take the conflicting course during winter or spring term instead.
“I really enjoyed being in the FIG because I met one of my best friends and it helped me make other friends in two of my courses. It was definitely worth taking as a first term freshman!” - Polina R. from Secrets to Success in STEM
Are you dropping due to time commitment concerns?
All FIGs are fall term only (with the exception of the one FIG Runway Carnegie Global Oregon) and the core education courses are regular UO classes you would be taking anyway. You also receive 1-credit that counts towards your degree for the FYE seminar. FIGs are no more than half of a full-time schedule and are fully integrated into your fall term experience.
"My FIG was an amazing interdisciplinary experience! I learned about connections between sociology and biology I never would have thought to explore on my own. It was helpful to take the courses along with other freshman so that I could get accustomed to academic life at the UO without feeling alone. Both the FA and the faculty were friendly and accommodating, and helped me explore interests I didn't even think I had." - Alex T. from Humans: An Origin Story
Consider this: Over 95% of students on average say they would recommend taking a FIG. Students who take FIGs are statistically shown to have higher GPAs and are more likely to graduate on time!
With 60+ different FIGs to choose from, we are confident we can find a good fit for you. However, we know that for a variety of reasons, sometimes a FIG doesn't feel like the right choice.
If you would like to drop your FIG, please connect with the FIG office so a FIG Team member can help you process the drop. FIGs are a package of classes, so when you drop the FIG, you will also be dropped from all of the courses in the FIG.
Below is the most immediate and effective way to contact us. It will require you to log-in to Microsoft Teams with your Duck ID.
You can also reach us via phone or email:
Phone: 541-346-1131
Email: figs@uoregon.edu