What Makes for a Healthy Start?

What Makes for a Healthy Start?

How does the human brain get built? How do students apply classroom knowledge to real life? How do citizens construct communities that support young families? In this FIG Runway, we'll tackle themes of development "from particles to policies" and learn how beginnings set up successful futures.  

What is a FIG Runway?

What Makes for a Healthy Start is a FIG Runway. FIG Runways let you build your first-year around tracking down answers to big, urgent, interesting questions, and blaze a path through your Core Education requirements. Students take a year-long seminar with the same professor and 23 peers.

Students explore the intersection of topics by taking the following course package:

UGST 113 First-Year Experience Seminar - 1-credit

PSY 201 Mind and Brain - CoreEd or major satisfying course, 4-credits

Mind & Brain is part of a two-course sequence (with Mind & Society, PSY202) that provides an overview of introductory psychology. This course covers experimental approaches to the study of the human mind and brain, including such topics as the history and methods of psychological research, the organization of the nervous system, sensation, perception, attention, learning, memory, cognition and consciousness.

CH 111 Introduction to Chemical Principles - CoreEd or major satisfying course, 4-credits

This course familiarizes students with the foundational concepts and models of modern chemistry while emphasizing problem solving and critical thinking skills that will support students' success as they continue their studies. Fundamental mathematical techniques and skills are incorporated to illustrate the quantitative aspects of chemistry and to develop student ability to model quantitative systems.