Academic Team:
Tricia Rodley (rodley@uoregon.edu)
First-Year Experience Seminar Instructor
Sai Alueta (saia@uoregon.edu)
FIG Assistant
9 credits
UGST 109 First Year Experience Seminar – 1 Credit
CRN: 16279: W: 5:00 – 5:50 PM, MCK 240B
TA 271 Introduction to Theater Arts – 4 credits
CRN: 15199: TR: 2:00 – 3:50 PM, MCK 240A
SOC 204 Introduction to Sociology – 4 credits
CRN: 14865 (ASYNC)m +LAB CRN: 14873: F: 11:00 – 11:50 AM, PLC 189
Matrix View Schedule
About the FIG:
In this FIG we will explore public speaking and speaking in public – in other words: active ways to share your ideas and find your voice. This FIG pairs SOC 204 and TA 271 to support a focus on communication and embodied expression within cultural contexts. In the seminar, we will use methods that come from theatre, while applying them to various group or classroom dynamics. We will also build presentation skills through formal/fun scenarios.
We invite you to stretch outside comfort zones and try different strategies to Speak for Yourself!
TA 271 Introduction to Theater Arts- CoreEd or major satisfying course
For years, critics have predicted the death of Broadway and the demise of live performance in the face of media and technology. Since at least the time of classical Greece, however, theatre has been one of the most effective means through which a society can debate issues of mutual concern, define or modify key values, and explore the potential of the human experience, and it continues to fulfill that role today. One aspect of this course explores the role of theatre in our culture through consideration of a variety of dramatic texts of the modern theatre. A written text, however, is not a play. Theatre requires an integration of several individual arts including literature, design, music, movement, and acting to create a live performance. None of these works alone; it is the combination of all of them that creates the artwork that is presented to an audience. An understanding of the possible choices to be made by each of these artists and the techniques required to manifest those choices on the stage form a second line of inquiry. By reading and discussing plays, experimenting with aspects of design, observing performances, and writing reviews, each participant can formulate an individual awareness and appreciation of theatre arts in the world today.
SOC 204 Introduction to Sociology - CoreEd or major satisfying course
Our study of human society and group life begins with an overview of the tools of sociological inquiry, including theory and methodological reasoning, followed by an overview of human socialization and its role in shaping self-identity. Four additional themes are covered: Crime and Social Control; Social Inequalities Worldwide and by Class, Race, and Gender within the U.S.A.; Dynamics of Social Institutions; and finally, the process of Social Change in an ecologically interconnected, global society.