Speak For Yourself! Faculty and FIG Assistant

FIG Faculty: Tricia Rodley, Theatre Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Hello! I would like to introduce myself: my name is Tricia Rodley, and I am a Career Instructor in the Department of Theatre Arts at UO. I earned a Ph.D. in theatre studies, and so you could very officially address me as “Dr. Rodley.” However, I prefer being called “Tricia” in the classroom and when working with students in rehearsal.

My focus in theatre relates to actor training, voice and dialect coaching, practical dramaturgy for actors, new play development, and general theatre studies. I teach Introduction to Theatre Arts (paired with this FIG) as well as several other TA courses: introductory and advanced acting, a seminar for TA majors, voice and dialect, literature and theory courses, and directing.

I also direct plays in the University Theatre season and frequently coach voice or accents for production as well. Most recently, I directed Tartuffe, New Voices (two new plays by UO students), Picnic, and Mr. Burns, a post-electric play.

Prior to UO, I lived and worked in New York, earned an MA in Classical Acting from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, and co-founded a theatre company called Printer’s Devil Theatre when living in Seattle.

I look forward to meeting you and working with you in our FIG!

Email: rodley@uoregon.edu 


FIG Assistant: Sai Alueta

Sai Aluetta photo

Hello! My name is Sai, and I will be the FIG Assistant for Speak For Yourself! I’m a third-year student at UO majoring in Product Design with a special interest in leatherwork and soft goods.

I’m multi-lingual and have a background in theatre so I’m particularly excited to be involved in this FIG!

I was born and raised on the island of Maui, Hawaii and I hope to pursue grad studies and eventually a career in Underwater Archaeology back home in the islands. For now though I’m really enjoying Oregon weather and sales tax.

I’m excited to meet everyone, so please reach out if you have any questions about the FIG or really anything and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can!

Email: saia@uoregon.edu