Academic Team:
Andrea Herrera (aherrera@uoregon.edu)
First-Year Experience Seminar Instructor
Bailey Posey (bposey@uoregon.edu)
FIG Assistant
9 credits
UGST 109 First Year Experience Seminar – 1 credit
CRN: 16245: T: 4:00-4:50pm, STB 154
ES 101 Intro to Ethnic Studies – 4 credits
CRN: 12108: TR: 2:00-3:20pm, GSH 123, +DIS CRN: 12115: F: 1:00-1:50pm, MCK 471
WGS 101 Intro to Women & Gender Studies – 4 credits
CRN: 15331: TR: 10:00-11:20am, PAC 123, +DIS CRN: 15336: F: 10:00-10:50am, ESL 105
About the FIG:
In the Collective Liberation and Social Change FIG, we live by the truth that “nobody’s free until everybody’s free” - a quote from civil rights hero Fannie Lou Hamer.
The professor for this FIG is Dr. Andrea P Herrera, a queer sociologist who has worked in homelessness and food justice, antiracism, queer liberation, and other social movements in Eugene for the past 12 years.
In our class, we’ll explore systems of inequality like sexism, racism, transphobia, and so many others. We’ll take trips to museums, go to local events, create zines, buttons, and other art, and gather in community to understand the ways we are ALL connected to each other.
We know from history that efforts toward social change and liberation from systems of inequality must be COLLECTIVE - nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something. Come be a part of a compassionate group of humans dedicated toward making the world better for everyone, not just ourselves!
ES 101 Intro to Ethnic Studies - CoreEd or major satisfying course
This course is an introduction to the academic field of Ethnic Studies, the interdisciplinary, comparative and relational study of race, ethnicity and indigeneity in the United States. It surveys how the histories and experiences of people of color in America have been shaped by systems of domination, including but not limited to, white supremacy and white settler colonialism, capitalism and heteropatriarchy. Special attention is paid to how domination and acts/arts of resistance create and recreate racial subjects.
WGS 101 Intro to Women & Gender Studies - CoreEd or major satisfying course
Placing women's experiences at the center of interpretation, this class introduces basic concepts and perspectives in Women's and Gender Studies. Focusing on contemporary women's issues, we will examine women's lives with a particular emphasis on the ways in which gender interacts with race, class, sexual orientation and ethnicity. The central aim is to foster critical reading and thinking about women's lives and the ways in which the interlocking systems of colonialism, racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, ageism, and heterosexism shape people's lives. We will also examine how women have resisted these inequalities, worked to create new systems of change, and engaged in national and global transformational politics. Specific topics may include race and racism, body image, sexuality, AIDS and cancer, sexual and domestic violence, and workplace and family issues. We will place these contemporary concerns within their historical, cultural, social, and theoretical contexts, and students will have the opportunity to engage in active discussion.