Donate to SAIL

SAIL students gather outside


The Student Academy to Inspire Learning (SAIL) program is funded by the University of Oregon’s Presidential Scholarship and through your private donations.  Our prestigious faculty here at the UO volunteer their time with SAIL, allowing the majority of our funding to go directly to support our students.

Charitable donations are tax-deductible and are earmarked for the SAIL program.

SAIL students walk alongside UO mascot" The Duck"

How You Can Help

In addition to expanding the overall size of the program and increasing the number of residential spaces for non-local students, we would like to:

  • Expand our capacity to interact with and advise our students and their parents year-round through mentorship and tutorial programs
  • Provide scholarships for SAIL seniors to attend the UO
  • Host events at the UO during the school year for SAIL students and their families to increase parental involvement
A FIG is made up of three courses, two regular university courses and the FIG seminar, called College Connections, that brings the disciplines together.
“The SAIL Program allowed me to get early exposure on a university campus while providing vital information on the admissions process, scholarship availability and changing my mindset that higher education is possible.”
Oscar Sigala Ramos, SAIL College Staff, UO Alum in Journalism, and former SAIL student
A FIG is made up of three courses, two regular university courses and the FIG seminar, called College Connections, that brings the disciplines together.
“I learned so much about the University of Oregon and its opportunities during SAIL, that I was not only more comfortable applying to the university, but also more comfortable when I was accepted as a student.”
Marissa McDaniel, former SAIL student and UO Cultural Anthropology and Ethnic Studies major