Academic Team:
Andre Sirois (asirois@uoregon.edu)
First-Year Experience Seminar Instructor
Stella Prichard (spricha6@uoregon.edu)
FIG Assistant
Skylar Debose (sdebose@uoregon.edu)
FIG Assistant
9 credits
UGST 109 First Year Experience Seminar – 1 Credit
CRN: 16275: W: 12:00 – 12:50 PM, GSH 131
CINE 230 Remix Cultures – 4 credits
CRN: 11382: TR: 10:00 – 11:50 AM, 105 ESL
ARTD 250 Print Media Digital Arts – 4 credits
CRN: 10581: M: 12:00 – 1:50 PM, 115 LA
+LAB CRN: 10583: MW: 10:00 – 11:50 AM, 283M LA
Matrix View Schedule
About the FIG:
Remixing Media, ©ritiquing ©ulture explores how the appropriation, parody, and remixing of media texts (images, ads, music, video, etc.) can be a powerful form of cultural critique. Not only will we look at the culture jamming movements of the past and present, but we will apply these concepts and aesthetics to create our own works that turn the media and its messages against itself. At the end of the term we will showcase these works at our own art show/exhibit that we curate and promote as a way of highlighting the practical value of fair use within creative communities. The main focus of this FIG is planning, marketing, and producing art for the Annual UO ©ritical A®t Show, which we will pair with the UO Hip Hop Jam.
Deep-Dive FIG: Please note this FIG contains a challenging long-term project. This course has been vetted by First-Year Programs to ensure first-term students can achieve success. The instructor will be available to assist students along the way.
CINE 230 Remix Cultures - CoreEd or major satisfying course
In "Remix Cultures," students learn the historical, practical, and critical views of "intellectual property" (IP) by analyzing everything from the UO mascot to Jay-Z. The course highlights how “ideas” are part of a remix continuum: new ideas often remix the great ideas that preceded them and will themselves be remixed in the future. Students will deconstruct the relationship between politics and economics and interrogate the everyday ways that their lives are governed by (and often break) IP laws. Remix Cultures provides students with a broad yet fundamental knowledge of how "IP" and "innovation" impact their lives: students of all majors engage with intellectual properties daily and may seek professions in fields that valorize intellectual property. By asking all students to actively and critically engage consumer media culture as intellectual property, the course provides a better understanding of how collaborative efforts are governed by laws that typically value and reward a singular author/genius.
ARTD 250 Print Media Digital Arts - CoreEd or major satisfying course
Examines application of print media in contemporary visual culture; explores its use in a fine art context. Introduces digital drawing, digital photo editing, and typographic layout to visually communicate expressive concepts. Laboratories, lectures. Repeatable once for 8 maximum credits.