Lummi Nation Totem Pole Journey: May 5-8
The University of Oregon welcomes the Totem Pole Journey, the intertribal nonprofit organization Se’Si’Le, and The Natural History Museum’s Whale People exhibit to campus for a series of events May 5th through 8th, 2022.
The Totem Pole Journey is led by members of Lummi Nation and the House of Tears Carvers. The 2022 totem pole journey is the latest in a dozen journeys conducted over the past 20 years. The 2022 journey builds upon, strengthens, and reaffirms the growing, Indigenous-led environmental movement across the Pacific Northwest that began with a successful campaign to oppose proposed fossil fuels projects in the region.
Friends of the Eugene Public Library Book Sale: April 9, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, and Sunday, April 10, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
The Friends of Eugene Public Library’s Giant Book Sale is back! Join in this beloved tradition and shop for a good cause on Saturday, at Lane Events Center (Fairgrounds) Performance Hall. Admission and parking are free.
Proceeds from this all-volunteer project help support Eugene Public Library activities and events, including Summer Reading books and programs for children and teens.
Shoppers can browse thousands of gently-used and like-new books, most at the bargain price of only $2. Choices include fiction and nonfiction in paperback and hardcover, all genres, recent bestsellers, and rare and specialty books. Also for sale will be DVDs, audio books, sheet music, music CDs, ephemera, and a large selection of children's books, DVDs, and CDs. VISA/Mastercard will be accepted, as well as cash and checks.
In new twists this year, a silent auction will be held for three handcrafted Little Free Library boxes, and members of the Friends of Eugene Public Library will be offered an early admission opportunity.
The Book Sale is the Friends of Eugene Public Library's major fundraiser each year. Over 400 volunteers work on the Book Sale, many year-round. For more information, to volunteer, or to join the Friends, visit www.friendseugenelibrary.org.
Adult Book Group (Online): April 12, 6:00-7:00 PM
For adults in the Eugene area: get together online to chat about "Norse Mythology" by Neil Gaiman. Sign up for the book group and we'll give you a free copy of the book to read and keep.
Starting March 15, sign up online: https://bit.ly/EugBookGroup_OnlineApril2022
You can also enjoy the book free with your library card in print or online: find it here.
Adult Book Group (In Person): April 16, 3:00-4:00 PM
For adults in the Eugene area: get together in person at Claim 52 Kitchen (1203 Willamette) to chat about "Norse Mythology" by Neil Gaiman. The group conversation starts at 3:00 p.m.; if you would like to purchase food or drinks, please arrive at 2:30.
Sign up for the book group and we'll give you a free copy of the book to read and keep. Starting March 15, sign up online: https://bit.ly/EugBookGroup_InPersonApril2022
You can also enjoy the book free with your library card in print or online: find it here.
Windfall Reading (Online): March 15, 6:00-7:00 PM
Join Lane Literary Guild and Eugene Public Library for a livestream of the Windfall Reading Series, a monthly gathering highlighting local and regional writers. This month, writers Rachel King and Ce Rosenow will read and take questions online.
Rachel King is the author of the novel “People Along the Sand” and the forthcoming linked story collection “Bratwurst Haven.” Her short stories have appeared in One Story, North American Review, Green Mountains Review, Northwest Review, and elsewhere. A graduate of the University of Oregon and West Virginia University, she lives in her hometown of Portland, Oregon. Her work is literary, historical, and regional.
Ce Rosenow is the author of six poetry books and chapbooks and one of eight authors of “Beyond Within: A Collection of Rengay." She co-edited with Bob Arnold “The Next One Thousand Years: Selected Poems of Cid Corman,” co-authored with Maurice Hamington “Care Ethics and Poetry,” and her book “Lenard D. Moore and Haiku” is forthcoming. The former publisher of Mountains and Rivers Press and former president of the Haiku Society of America, she will read lyrics and a selection of Japanese poetic forms.
Adult Book Group (Online): March 16, 6:00-7:00 PM
For adults in the Eugene area: get together online to chat about "Girl, Woman, Other" by Bernardine Evaristo.
The 2019 Booker Prize winner is an inventive and vivid portrait of contemporary Britain and the legacy of Britain's colonial history in Africa and the Caribbean. The twelve central characters in this multi-voiced novel lead vastly different lives -- from a nonbinary social media influencer to a 93-year-old woman living on a farm -- and also intersect in shared aspects of their identities, from age to race to sexuality to class.
Sign up for the book group and we'll give you a free copy of the book to read and keep. Starting Feb. 15, sign up online: https://bit.ly/EugBookGroup_OnlineMarch2022
You can also enjoy the book free with your library card in print or online: find it here.
Adult Book Group (In Person): March 20, 2:00-3:00 PM
For adults in the Eugene area: get together in person at the Downtown Library to chat about "Girl, Woman, Other" by Bernardine Evaristo.
The 2019 Booker Prize winner is an inventive and vivid portrait of contemporary Britain and the legacy of Britain's colonial history in Africa and the Caribbean. The twelve central characters in this multi-voiced novel lead vastly different lives -- from a nonbinary social media influencer to a 93-year-old woman living on a farm -- and also intersect in shared aspects of their identities, from age to race to sexuality to class.
Sign up for the book group and we'll give you a free copy of the book to read and keep. Starting Feb. 15, sign up online: https://bit.ly/EugBookGroup_InPersonMarch2022
You can also enjoy the book free with your library card in print or online: find it here.
A Conversation with Author Kimberly Johnson: February 11, 4:00-5:20 PM
Author Kimberly Johnson discusses favorite characters, themes, and writing process for her debut novel, This is My America, an unflinching yet uplifting story that explores the racist injustices in the American justice system. Session includes Q/A opportunity from the audience to engage with the author.
<Pop Up> EMU Outdoor Program Redefining Outdoorsy Summit location TBD: February 12, 11:00-3:00 PM
Common Reading will be tabling, handing out books and discussing the program.
Nikole Hannah-Jones on "1619 and the Legacy that Built and Nation": February 19, 4:30-6:00 PM
As the lead writer for New York Times Magazine’s “The 1619 Project,” a major viral multimedia initiative observing the 400th anniversary of the first African slaves arriving in America, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones explores the lasting legacy of Black enslavement on the nation—specifically, how Black Americans pushed for the democracy we have today. The annual UO School of Journalism and Communication Ruhl Lecture brings the most influential voices in mass communication to campus.
<Pop Up> Drop-In Weaving Demonstration at the Museum of Natural and Cultural History: January 13, 5:00-7:00 PM
Brenda Brainard will be doing a weaving demonstration, creating a mat from cedar, sedge, bear grass, and woodwardia. She will speak with visitors about the process and other questions they may have. MNCH Student Club will distribute DIY cordage kits to UO students.
<Pop Up> Scavenger Hunt at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art: January 14, 11:00-1:00 PM
Two versions of the Braiding Sweetgrass Scavenger Hunt will be offered across the JSMA galleries.
<Pop Up> TAEC Open House at LLC North 123: January 18, 3:00-4:00 PM
Students can stop in to learn about TAEC programs and opportunities, meet staff, and receive a copy of Braiding Sweetgrass.
<Pop Up> Composition & Writing, Public Speaking, and Critical Reasoning Minor Combined Student Presentation/Discussion Event at Tykeson Hall James Commons: January 20, 2:00-3:00 PM
Students will give presentations, and attendees will have the chance to participate in discussion surrounding the themes of the presentations and Braiding Sweetgrass.
<Pop Up> Open House at Mills International Center in the EMU: January 20, 3:00-5:00 PM
Visitors will interact with activities related to Braiding Sweetgrass and “get-to-know-Mills" activities, earning stamps on a punch card and receiving a Mills mug or t-shirt for participation. Braiding Sweetgrass Pop-Up event blended with weekly event Chill in the Mills.
<Pop Up> UO Libraries & Craft Center Braiding Sweetgrass Craft Kit in Oregon Plaza: January 21, 12:00-2:00 PM
Learn to make and use plant inks; explore the connection between the products we use every day and the natural world around us; hands on opportunity to look at plant ink art books/library resources related to the process.
Braiding Sweetgrass Author's Visit: January 24th, 2022 12:00-2:00 PM
Join author Robin Wall Kimmerer in the EMU ballroom or via livestream as she discusses her book—Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants. Kimmerer is this year's UO Common Reading featured author, and she will be on campus January 24th and 25th. Watch the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo8DDqP0C5U.
<Pop Up> Dance Program Performance at location TBD: January 28, 3:30 PM
The dance program will be putting on a dance celebrating Braiding Sweetgrass and the themes therein.
<Pop Up> Sustainability and Braiding Sweetgrass with the Office of Sustainability location TBD: January 28, 3:00-4:00 PM
An open discussion drop-in for UO students to discuss the text and its sustainability aspects. We may also discuss Kimmerer’s public lecture.
<Pop Up> Division of Global Engagement Games, Snacks, Advising, and Conversations at 300W Oregon Hall: February 1, 4:00-5:00 PM
Visit the Division of Global Engagement for a Lunar New Year celebration! Join us for world trivia games and snack, meet other students who are interested in global engagement, or who've lived or studied abroad, and as Robin Wall Kimmerer describes, explored the ways in which language and culture can influence our world view. Advisors for GlobalWorks International Internships, GEO study abroad programs, exchange programs, and international students will be available for office hours.

In Conversation with Michelle Obama: November 9
Through its Common Reading Program, the University of Oregon has been invited to attend Michelle Obama’s only higher education appearance of the year where she will discuss her memoir, “Becoming.” The discussion will focus on themes from Obama’s book and include topics about owning your story, finding your voice, unseen history, support systems, and challenges of first-generation and minority students. With the support of UO President Michael H. Schill, the Division of Undergraduate Education and Student Success, and the Oregon Humanities Center’s Endowment for Public Outreach in the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities, the Common Reading Program will send one student representative to attend the event in Washington, D.C. The student also will have the unique opportunity to ask the former first lady a question, on behalf of the UO. View a recording of the event here.
2021 Latino Health Equity Conference - Me Cuido, Te Cuido: June 24th-25th
Familias en Acción is proud to present their 12th annual Latino Health Equity Conference, “Me cuido, te cuido”. “Me cuido, te cuido”, prioritizes one's health, the health of your partners, and that of the community. This perspective cultivates and promotes values of mutual respect, acceptance, equality and empathy. This year's virtual conference aims to broaden our knowledge and awareness on sexual health, sexuality, and HIV by leveraging the experiences of the Latino community. They will highlight community-driven initiatives that prevent new HIV infections, support Latinos living with HIV, and work towards ending cultural stigmas that impact Latino health.
The Official Juneteenth Celebration: June 19th, 12:00 PM
What: Juneteenth events will commemorate African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement with three headlining speakers, dance performances, live music, more than 40 BIPOC businesses and food vendors
Who: A joint effort between the Black Led Action Coalition (B.L.A.C.), Honoring Our New Ethnic Youth (H.O.N.E.Y) & Xcape Dance Company
When: Noon to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 19
Where: Alton Baker Park, 200 Day Island Road
Celebrate Juneteenth with Willie Spence: June 19th, 1:00 PM
American Idol first runner-up Willie Spence will be in Eugene for a free concert on June 19 from 1-4:30 p.m. Sponsored by City of Eugene Cultural Services.
Indigenous & LGBTQIA+ Identities Panel: May 28th 6:00 PM
Come join us in conversation with speakers Dr. Lani Teves, Candi Brings Plenty, Taylor Bragg-Brock, and Tonya Song! We will be discussing the intersection of Indigenous and LGBTQIA+ identities and experiences, as well as MMIW, mental health, and more. Q&A to follow! Zoom meeting ID: 945 0791 0139
Book Talk: "Earth Matters on Stage: Ecology, Environment and American Theatre": May 19th 3:30 PM
Earth Matters on Stage (Routledge 2020) maps how theater in the US has reflected and responded to the nation’s environmental history during the 20th century. Beginning with plays & performances that forwarded the ecological violence of settler colonialism, through the important role of grassroots theater and the arts during the civil rights movements, to the present era of climate justice, the book argues that theater is a crucial tool of democracy, a place to embody the stories of relation that carry us toward a just, compassionate, and sustainable society. Or, as dramatist Monique Mojica (Kuna/Rappahannock) writes, a place to “spin possible worlds into being.”
Sanctuary, A Performance: May 19th 12:00 PM
Sanctuary is a live-streamed event of combined live and virtual performance exploring women/queer people of color’s collective experiences of seeking refuge from persecution under the ongoing violence of colonization.
Undergraduate Research Symposium: May 27 10:00 AM
Research and creative work presentations from all disciplines and fields are welcome, in any format—from oral and poster presentations to art installations, film screenings, poetry slams, and spoken word, music, dance, and theater performances.
Environmental Injustice and Black Sense of Place in the Socio-Biophysical Afterlife of Slavery: April 23, 10:30 AM
Tianna Bruno is a PhD candidate in Geography at the University of Oregon. Her research focuses on the intersection of Black geographies, environmental justice studies, and critical physical geography. Her environmental justice research has been published in Local Environment as well as the Annals of the American Association of Geographers. Through her work, she aims to foreground Black life and relationship to place within spaces of present-day environmental injustice.
Black and Indigenous Futures: April 7th 1:00 PM
In this final webinar of the series, archaeologists, artists, and cultural theorists turn to questions of what’s next in the struggle for the recognition and promotion of Indigenous and Black life. They ask: How can archaeology, the study of material worlds past and present, help construct new futures? This work will include recognizing the ongoing experiences of cultural genocide and how to sustain ancestral homelands while cultivating new ones for diasporas always in the making. We will explore the intersection of Black and Indigenous communities in the continued fight for justice. Join the conversation to look back and to look ahead.
Ibram X. Kendi - National Book Award Winner, Historian and Leading Antiracist Voice in America: April 14th 6:30 PM
Oregon State University invites you to join a virtual event featuring Ibram X. Kendi - National Book Award Winner (2019), Guggenheim Fellow, historian, three-time NY Times best selling author and journalist.
Personal History: March 10th to March 14th
Personal History follows an African-American couple as they navigate three moments in American life, stretched out over a century in the city of Chicago. The highly educated pharmacist Eugene enters the world of the play in 1903, outraged that he is overqualified and underemployed. At an elegant parlor party hosted by his white business associate, Eugene scandalizes the other guests by challenging their comfortable liberalism. He also meets his future bride, Bethany, herself an accomplished business owner. Toying with time, the play has the couple moving into this same home in an exclusive all-white neighborhood in the early 1950s. Race and class are further jumbled as the action shifts to the 1990s — the house is now a chic restaurant where Eugene and Bethany, divorced years earlier, have their final transformative encounter.
Strides for Social Justice: March 22nd
Strides for Social Justice, an initiative by PeaceHealth, is a free inclusive, family-friendly, virtually guided tour through various landmarks and historical sites that demonstrate the influence of Black residents within our community. Visit and learn about the contributions, achievements, and milestones of Black residents of Eugene that have helped shape our community while promoting health and wellness.
Beauty Diplomacy: Embodying an Emerging Nation: March 5th 3:00PM, Registration Required
Balogun is an associate professor of women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. She is affiliated with African studies, global studies, and indigenous, race and ethnic studies at University of Oregon. According to the publisher, “Beauty Diplomacy takes us inside the world of Nigerian beauty contests to see how they are transformed into contested vehicles for promoting complex ideas about gender and power, ethnicity and belonging, and a rapidly changing articulation of Nigerian nationhood. Drawing on four case studies of beauty pageants, this book examines how Nigeria’s changing position in the global political economy and existing cultural tensions inform varied forms of embodied nationalism, where contestants are expected to integrate recognizable elements of Nigerian cultural identity while also conveying a narrative of a newly-emerging, globally-relevant Nigeria.”
Guest panelists for the discussion include: L. Ayu Saraswati, associate professor and chair of women’s studies at the University of Hawai’i and author of Seeing Beauty, Sensing Race in Transnational Indonesia (NYU Press, 2013), which won the 2013 National Women’s Studies Association Gloria Anzaldúa book prize; and Erin Beck, associate professor of political science at University of Oregon and author of How Development Projects Persist: Everyday Negotiations with Guatemalan NGOs (Duke University Press, 2017), which won the American Sociological Association Sociology of Development’s 2018 best book award.
Black Women’s Health Matters: Theoretical, Conceptual, and Empirical Considerations: March 8th
Erving's research employs quantitative methods to explore how race, ethnicity, immigrant status, and gender interact to produce differentials in a variety of health outcomes. Using theories, concepts, and perspectives from several research areas, her program of research focuses on clarifying and explaining status distinctions in health. She is currently developing four related streams of research: 1) status distinctions in physical-mental comorbidity, 2) the relationship between physical and mental health, 3) psychosocial determinants of black women’s health, and 4) the Black–White mental health paradox.
Black Love: The Essence of Black Women: February 25th, 6:00 PM
LRPBCC in collaboration with Black Women of Achievement.
The (Neo)Slave Narrative and the Plantationocene: February 26th, 12:00 PM
African American literature—very little of which is read as climate fiction—has long articulated the intersections between plantation slavery’s environmental and racial regimes and, more recently, traced the plantation’s ecological and social histories directly to the climate crisis. This essay looks to the slave narrative and the contemporary neo-slave narrative to trace the long history of the Plantationocene as well as the alternative ecologies of resistance and repair this literature encodes. Dr. Goddu is Associate Professor of English and American Studies at Vanderbilt University and the author of the recent book Selling Anti-Slavery: Abolition and Mass Media in Antebellum America (Penn UP).
UOTeach Equity & AntiOppressive Pedagogy TeachIN: February 27th
The Oregon UOTeach teacher licensure program partners with units across the University as well as with Bethel, Eugene 4J, Springfield, and Lane ESD to provide ongoing professional development on culturally responsive and culturally sustaining pedagogies.
Soul2Soul: February 3rd 6:00 PM
Join us for the first Black History Month mixer to be held at the Lyllye Reynolds-Parker Black Cultural Center. Students, faculty, and staff members are invited to help us launch a new tradition—our inaugural meet-and-greet to kick off a month of speakers and events. Refreshments will be served.
Storytelling Workshops: February 2nd and February 10th 6:30 PM
All members of the UO community are welcome, and no previous storytelling or theater experience is required. There’s also no need to have a story in mind or commit to telling a story as part of the virtual event premiering in May. The workshop will offer a space to learn about the art of storytelling and practice crafting your own narrative. We also hope participants will begin to see the many ways storytelling can be useful in connecting with others in more professional settings. Storytelling is a process and everyone is a “Storyteller,” there’s no right or wrong way to do it, and powerful stories can come from even the smallest moments.
Dr. Mae Jemison - Astronaut, Engineer, National Science Literacy Ambassador: February 4th 6:30 PM
Oregon State University invites you to join a virtual event featuring Dr. Mae Jemison - first woman of color in space, national science literacy ambassador, advocate for radical leaps in knowledge, technology, design and thinking on Earth and beyond. Jemison served six years as a NASA astronaut. Aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour, STS-47 Spacelab J mission in September 1992, she performed experiments in material science, life sciences and human adaptation to weightlessness.
Diaspora, Humanism, and the Global Project of Black Freedom: February 5 9:00 AM
This event brings together Keguro Macharia, Zakiyyah Iman Jackson, and Rinaldo Walcott in conversation with Christina Sharpe to consider the possibilities and limits of Black freedom.
These influential scholars/thinkers from Canada, the United States and Kenya discuss the ideas in their recent books: Frottage: Frictions of Intimacy across the Black Diaspora (2019), Becoming Human: Matter and Meaning in an Antiblack World (2020), and The Long Emancipation: Moving Toward Black Freedom (2021).
Are We Still Not Saved? Race, Democracy, and Educational Inequality: February 12th 12:00 PM
Professor Epperson is a nationally recognized expert in the areas of civil rights, constitutional law, and education policy. Her scholarship centers on the constitutional dialogue between federal courts and the political branches, and its implications for educational equity.
Epperson’s research, published in leading journals, also explores the role of public schools, colleges, and universities in creating equal opportunity. As a former Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, her previous work focused on federal civil rights enforcement of educational policies and practices. Her expertise has led her to appear on CNN, NBC News, and C-SPAN.
State of Advocacy Through the Lens of UO Black Scholars: February 16th 6:00 PM
State of Blackness series event.
The History and Future of Scientific Racism and Eugenics Panel Discussion: February 16th 1:00 PM
This panel will consider the enduring legacy of eugenics alongside the possibilities that genetic technologies now offer for understanding population histories, diverse and diasporic ancestries, and race- and gender-based health disparities.
Our Revolution Anthem with Ebo Barton: February 18th 4:15 PM
Our Revolution Anthem will open with a performance and reading of poetry by Ebo Barton. Ebo will then lead a writing workshop, a series of writing exercises and activities that allow participants to write about their identities and how they fit or do not fit into our world. As a group, participants will create one final “Revolution Anthem” using the Exquisite Corpse Poem as a structure. Participants will be asked a series of questions about themselves and their role in creating a world that exists without barriers or oppression.
The Revolution Anthem will be created and framed by Ebo as a token of the group’s commitment to social justice and inclusivity on their campus and community, but also in their lives.
"Black Americans and the Boarders of Belonging": A Conversation with Martha S. Jones: February 18th 11:00 AM
Professor Martha S. Jones is the Society of Black Alumni Presidential Professor, Professor of History, and a Professor at the SNF Agora Institute at The Johns Hopkins University. She is a legal and cultural historian whose work examines how black Americans have shaped the story of American democracy.
BE Heard with David F. Walker: February 23 6:00 PM
David F. Walker is a comic book writer and filmmaker who has worked for Marvel, DC, and Image Comics. He is the co-creator of Bitter Root and Naomi and author of the graphic novel The Life of Fredrick Douglas. He also teaches at Portland State University.
A conversation with Richard Rothstein, author of The Color of Law: February 24th 12:30 PM
You are invited to a conversation with Richard Rothstien about his book, The Color of Law. More information to come in early January.
Climate Justice lecture: "Building an Inclusive Green Economy for All": February 2nd 4:00 PM
What will the next four years mean for the future of climate justice, economic justice, and racial justice? How have the pandemic and economic uncertainty affected the fight for climate change? Climate justice advocate Vien Truong will consider these questions, share insights, and offer solutions for how we can fight for a more just and sustainable future in her 2020–21 Tzedek Lecture “Building an Inclusive Green Economy for All” via Zoom.
Books in Print–Ana-Maurine Lara: January 29th 3:00 PM
The Women of Color Project presents a Books in Print panel discussion of two recent works by Ana-Maurine Lara, assistant professor of anthropology and women's, gender, and sexuality studies, University of Oregon. Pre-register at link provided.
Pacific Worlds: Indigeneity, Blackness, and Resistance: January 22nd, 12:00 PM
The Black Pacific indexes geographies of Blackness across Oceania and between the Americas and Asia. Understood alternatively as an ontology, epistemology, cosmology, and demographic analytic, the Black Pacific connects histories of empire, militarism, racial formation, and settler colonialism, as well as shared struggles against such processes. This symposium explores three key themes in Black Pacific studies:
1. Indigenous and non-indigenous conceptions of Blackness across Oceania,
2. Black communities of African descent living in the Pacific Islands and Pacific Americas, and
3. The transpacific movement of Black subjects between Asia and the Americas.
NAACP and City of Eugene Community Drive Through: January 18th 9:00 AM
From Serbu Juvenille Center to UO Autzen Stadium. Prizes and swag
The Skanner Foundation 35th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast: January 18th 9:00 AM
The Skanner Foundation invites you to a MLK Breakfast. This year it will be a virtual event premiering a specially created video edition of the 35th Annual Skanner Foundation Breakfast.
NAACP and City of Eugene Community MLK Virtual Program: January 18th 11:00 AM
Including NAACP welcome, UO film, UO Leadership, LCC/UO Athletes, Alaja Ballet performance, local, state and national dignitaries, City of Eugene Human Rights Award presentation, Black National Anthem and more...
BE Justice with Nikkita Oliver: January 19th 1:00 PM
Nikkita Oliver is a Seattle-based creative, community organizer, abolitionist, educator and attorney. She is the co-executive director of Creative Justice, an arts-based alternative to incarceration.
Black Women’s Digital Diaspora, Collectivity, and Resistance: January 13th 6:00 PM
Dr. Francesca Sobande considers some of the potentially liberatory components of the digital experiences of Black women in Britain.

Woman Suffrage, Racism, and Civil Rights: December 14th, 7:00 PM
This program will address Oregon woman-suffrage activism, including national context and with specific information about Black women’s activism, the significance of Native sovereignty, and the impact of xenophobia and citizenship on women’s voting rights.
Tackling Racism in Young Adult Literature: December 4th 11:10 AM
The CLE Reads Book Festival aims to promote literacy and foster a deep love for reading within the Cleveland community, focusing on our local youth. The festival will emphasize the importance of championing diversity in what we read and recommend to others. CLE Reads will feature award-winning and best-selling authors from across the country, highlighting the beauty of our community beyond our borders.
Cleveland Public Library Presents Bryan Stevenson: December 5th 9:00 AM
Cleveland Public Library welcomes Bryan Stevenson, the founding director of the Equal Justice Institute in Montgomery, Alabama. His insights and lessons learned in 30 years on the front lines fighting injustice and inequality in the criminal justice system of the United States directly reflect on the current social movements protesting oppression, discrimination, and even death of far too many people of color at the hands of law enforcement officers.
Covering the News: A Look Back at 2020: December 11th 12:00 PM
Understand what is at stake for journalists as they cover the news, including a global pandemic, Black Lives Matter, and Brexit. Andrew Whitehead was until recently Editor of BBC World Service News, where he was responsible for the live news and current affairs content of the world’s most respected radio network. He also served as the BBC’s Delhi correspondent and political correspondent during his 35-year career with BBC News.
Creative Spaces: Clark Honors College: Submissions accepted through November 23rd
Calling all students, faculty and staff to submit ORIGINAL pieces one last time for the Creative Spaces project! This next theme, “CHC Inspiration: Projects & Art by the Community” is your chance to submit ANYTHING to the online gallery – it does not have to be related to a specific theme, and it can be art, literature, research, or any other creative pursuit you want to share.
Learn more about the Creative Spaces project, submit your work and see previous exhibits.
The Collapse of Reconstruction and the Roots of White Supremacy: November 9th 5:30 PM
Oregon State University invites you to join a virtual event featuring Henry Louis Gates, Jr - an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, literary scholar, journalist and cultural critic who has authored or co-authored 24 books and created 21 documentary films.
Re-imagining Monuments: November 6th, 12:00 PM
In this first City Club program after the elections, presenters will clarify and challenge mainstream notions about “monuments” and “memorials.”
Ride 4 Justice: October 24th, 12:30 PM
A solidarity ride for those we have lost in this fight for racial justice.
A Conversation with Carol Anderson: Voter Rights and Voter Suppression: October 21st, 6:00 PM
Dr. Anderson sees voter suppression today as Jim Crow 2.0. She notes that what we're seeing in the country today after the Shelby County 2013 decision is the new Mississippi Plan of 1890.