Academic Team:
Anna Carroll (acarroll@uoregon.edu)
First-Year Experience Seminar Instructor
Eryn Mcaninch (erynm@uoregon.edu)
FIG Assistant
9 credits
Discovering Your Voice 1
UGST 109 First-Year Experience Seminar - 1 credit
CRN: 16323: 11:00-11:50am, STB 251
WR 121 College Composition I - 4 credits
CRN: 15388: TR 8:30-9:50am, LIB 401
LING 201 Language and Power - 4 credits
CRN: 13123: TR 12:00-1:20pm, STB 145 +DIS CRN: 16062: F 1:00-1:50pm TYKE 204
Discovering Your Voice 2
UGST 109 First-Year Experience Seminar - 1 credit
CRN: 16323: 11:00-11:50am, STB 251
WR 121 College Composition I - 4 credits
CRN: 15372: MW 12:00-12:50pm, LIB 401
LING 201 Language and Power - 4 credits C
RN: 13123: TR 12:00-1:20pm, STB 145 +DIS CRN: 16062: F 1:00-1:50pm TYKE 204
About the FIG:
Gain confidence in using your voice in writing and public speaking to make a difference. Students will develop a personal cluster of core interests and learn how to use those interests to prepare for future college classes and experiences in writing and public speaking. The FIG will also consider mental health and anxiety issues around college performance and connect students to resources to help.
WR 121 develops student understanding of their own voice in relation to campus context through development of critical reading skills and introduction to argument. Enrolling in this FIG provides students additional support and the opportunity to connect closely with classmates enrolled in first year writing. By working with an experienced writing instructor, they’ll gain additional support in connecting their personal goals to the writing class.
By completing LING 201, students will have completed 1/6 of the Writing, Public Speaking, and Critical Reasoning Minor and be set up to sign up for a section of WR 123 tailored to speaking up in community engagement. WR 121 fulfills the first-year writing requirement and counts toward the WSCR minor. The FIG also introduces students to a range of writing and public speaking classes they might plan to take depending on their personal cluster of interests. The FIG is designed to deepen students experience in WR 121 and is taught by an instructor with experience teaching writing, including CMAE classes, and public speaking. Students may opt to take their second writing class from the FIG instructor and/or future public speaking courses offered in the WSCR minor.
WR 121Z College Composition I - CoreEd or major satisfying course
WR 121Z engages students in the study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and writing. The course focuses on analyzing and composing across varied rhetorical situations and in multiple genres. Students will apply key rhetorical concepts flexibly and collaboratively throughout their writing and inquiry processes.
LING 201 Language and Power - CoreEd or major satisfying course
Ling 201 introduces issues of language variation and the social impact associated with that variation and satisfies the Social Science group requirement. Students are given introductory academic tools to understand different types of variation (sounds, words, grammar), and they are exposed to a scale of types of variation as categorized by linguists, ranging from the minimal differences represented in accents or jargons, to the more substantive variation represented by comparing distinct dialects, to the formidable differences encountered when considering altogether separate languages. Language change is the source of all language variation, so we will also consider the different ways in which languages change, discussing the roles of inherited features and internal evolution of features (factors which produce accents, pidgins and creoles). Every variety of every language constitutes an important aspect of the cultural identity of the individuals who speak that variety, and the relative social prestige of each variety is a reflection of the relative social prestige of the speech community stereotypically associated with that variety. Speakers of high prestige dialects/languages generally have economic, social, and/or political power over speakers of other languages/dialects, which frequently results in pressure on the latter to conform to the dominant language/dialect.