The Asian Lens Faculty and FIG Assistant

Kathie Carpenter Photo

FIG Faculty: Kathie Carpenter - Department of International Studies, College of Arts and Sciences

Hello all! I’m Kathie Carpenter, Associate Professor and Department Head in the Department of Global Studies.  My research interests lie at the intersection of beliefs about childhood and the lived experiences of children, and how beliefs and experiences influence each other.  My new book, titled "Life in a Cambodian orphanage" just came out in May! It tells the stories of children growing up in an orphanage, drawing on my visits with them over the years and interviews with them now that they are grown up and living in their community. I teach courses on Cross-cultural Communication, Proposal Writing, and on Social Change in Southeast Asia, but ASIA 111 is my favorite class to teach. I love traveling to Southeast Asia on research trips because I miss my friends there, because it’s vibrant and fascinating, and because the food is amazing!  But I also love coming home to Oregon because hiking in the mountains is my favorite thing to do, and because my dog is always glad to see me!  I’m looking forward to teaching this FIG because the beginning of your first year of college is such an exciting and important time of life, and I am honored to be a part of it with you. 


Camryn Saydah Photo

FIG Assistant: Camryn Saydah

Hello! My name is Camryn, and I am so excited to be your FIG leader! Here is a little bit about me: I am from San Francisco, California, I love to get outside, eat ice cream, and read my book in the sunshine. I also love dogs and I grew up with two rottweilers who were the sweetest and most loving dogs I have ever known.

This fall I will be a sophomore student here at UO and I am planning on getting a BA in Global Studies. I love to explore, travel, and learn about different cultures and cuisines from around the world which is why I will be going into the Global Studies major.

I will help lead The Asian Lens FIG this fall, and I cannot wait to meet all of you! Do not hesitate to reach out to me, whether you have questions about classes, favorite sweet treat spots in Eugene, or just want to say ‘Hi’. I hope you all have a fabulous summer, and I am looking forward to meeting you!
