The Asian Lens

The Asian Lens


Academic Team:
Kathie Carpenter (
First-Year Experience Seminar Instructor
Joanne Wu (
FIG Assistant

9 credits
UGST 109 First-Year Experience Seminar - 1 credit
FEN 119: M 4 - 4:50 PM
CRN: 15063
GLBL 101 Introduction to International Issues- 4 credits
MCK 129: MW 2 - 3:20 PM
CRN: 12163
ANS 193: F 11 - 11:50 AM
CRN: 12165
ASIA 111 Great Books on Modern Asia - 4 credits
GER 242: TR 4 - 5:20 PM
CRN: 10530
About the FIG:

The 21st Century has been named the Asian Century, and you're living in it! In this FIG, through discussions, guest speakers, hands-on activities and field trips, we'll explore how global forces are seen and reported through the eyes of ordinary people living in a range of Asian societies. In GLBL 101, we'll examine the big picture, learning about forces impacting the world, such as the media, film and music industries, immigration, resource scarcity, war and social media; in ASIA 111 we'll take the local perspective, by reading books that show how these forces shape, and are shaped by individuals and their cultures and communities. Whether you're one of the 60% of the earth's population that calls Asia home, or whether you've never set foot outside of Oregon, studying the culturally and historically diverse areas of Asia will provide you with opportunities to discover new global perspectives, and new ways of thinking about yourself and your community.

GLBL 101 Introduction to International Issues - CoreEd or major satisfying course

Hunger, intellectual property, global warming, arms trade, water rights, civil war, genocide, education, global financial inequities, and immigration: a few examples of the challenges we face in a highly globalized word. Develop a fundamental knowledge about several international issues, critically examine how these issues are presented by stakeholders, and consider creative attempts to solve these problems.

ASIA 111 Great Books on Modern Asia - CoreEd or major satisfying course

This course will introduce students to the cultural, social, economic, and political dimensions of life in modern Asia, along with comparisons of different regions of Asia. Through selections from four awesome and discussion-stimulating books, students will learn about the continent’s particular places, peoples, and aspects of their lives and cultures. This selective profile of Asia is aimed to convey not only the complex and diverse conditions of particular Asian countries but also the broadly shared regional patterns of development.