Trailblazing: Navigating Your College Experience Faculty and Peer Assistants

Faculty Jamie Bufalino, a white woman with short hair, wearing a red and white shirt and black glasses, smiling toward the camera.

FYE Faculty: Jamie Bufalino - Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality, College of Arts and Sciences

I am the Associate Dean for Student Success for the College of Arts and Sciences. As Associate Dean I am responsible for making sure that undergraduate students have the resources they need to be happy and successful at UO. In particular, I focus on academic advising, career readiness, equity and well-being. 

I have worn many hats in my 13 years at UO including teaching and advising in the departments of history and women's, gender, and sexuality studies. I also have served as Director of the General Social Sciences program.  I have taught on a wide range of topics including women's history; race, gender and social movements; feminism; and consumer culture and the neoliberal economy.  

I have three daughters. My oldest just completed her Master's degree at Clark University in Worcester, MA. My twins are entering their senior year of college at Mt Holyoke College (South Hadley, MA) and Husson University (Bangor, ME). So, I have lots of first-hand experience with and empathy for the first-year college experience.  I am a feminist who loves travel, fashion, and popular culture. I grew up in Southern California but am delighted to be an Oregonian. 


Makenna Phillips photo
Peer Assistant: Makenna Phillips

Hey everyone! I’m Makenna Phillips, my pronouns are she/her/hers, and I’m going to be one of your FA’s for Trailblazing: Navigating Your College Experience! This year I’ll be a second year student here at the UO. I'm double majoring in Anthropology and Spatial Data Science & Technology (I love maps and archeology, please, please ask me about it!).

I’m originally from Newberg, Oregon, so not too far from here. When I’m at home I spend a lot of time with my Bernedoodle Miles (he’s my son and he means the world to me). I also like to paddleboard on Hagg Lake whenever the weather permits. In Eugene, I love to watch TV with my friends– right now we’re watching Game of Thrones, my favorite characters are Samwell and Sansa! I also like to do ceramic in the EMU craft center and read whenever I can find the time in between classes.

I can’t wait to meet you all in the fall! If you have any questions regarding the FIG, feel free to reach out to me and ask. Even if you don’t have a question, reach out anyways, say hi and introduce yourself! Personally, I’d never be opposed to receiving a pet photo, if you want to send one, and I bet Miles would be willing to pose for a picture to send back.

Again, can’t wait to meet all of you, see you in the fall!


Corinne Crabel Photo
Peer Assistant: Corinne Crabel

Hello! My name is Corinne Crabill, and I'm looking forward to being your Trailblazing FIG Assistant in the fall! I'm a rising second-year student pursuing a B.A in Journalism. 

I was raised in Portland, and between the Saturday markets, colorful shops, and many hiking trails around town, Eugene often feels identical to where I grew up! My time at the University of Oregon so far has been wonderful, and I'm excited to be able to spend some time with you all as you get started on your journeys here. 

In my free time I enjoy being outdoors (often in a rain jacket!), watching movies with friends, or walking around Eugene. Again, I'm excited to meet you all in the fall, and you have any questions for me or just want to talk, please send me a text or an email!


Daniel Corzo photo
Peer Assistant: Daniel Corzo

Hey everyone! We are all happy and excited to have you! My name is Daniel Corzo, my pronouns are he/him. I was born and raised in a small town in Mexico, but I’ve been living in Eugene for the past 9 years. I will be a sophomore pursuing a BS in Computer Science and Data Science. With everything that is happening around the tech industry, I am empowered to contribute to the greater mission of global technological advancement. My interests lie within the Machine Learning field, but not keeping me away from my love of music, food, and video games! Other things I love to do include hitting the gym, hiking with friends, and driving.

 I am beyond excited to get to know all of you and have a fun and constructive time together. I’ve always believed that our power comes from the connections that we have with other daily, so please, if you have any questions or want advice, feel free to reach out. If you see me running from place to place taking care of everything I must get done in between classes, make sure you stop and say hi. See you next year!

Eno Ntekpere Photo
Peer Assistant: Eno Ntekpere

Hey everyone! My name is Enomfon (E-nom-fon) Ntekpere but I also go by my nickname, Eno (Eh-no). Fun fact: Enomfon means God’s gift in my Nigerian language. So, I think it’s safe to say I’m here as a gift to help you all with your freshman experience! My pronouns are she/her/hers. This school year I’ll be a fourth-year student obtaining my Planning, Public Policy, and Management degree at the University of Oregon.

I was born and raised in Portland, OR. Some key details about me are that I’m a Drizzy Drake stan, I love to read and write, and I take the game The Sims way too seriously as I’ve been playing since elementary school. If any of those things are of interest to you, we’re going to make good friends. And if all of those things make you yawn, we’ll definitely still make good friends because I’m 100% here for you despite your red flags! 

When I was a freshman, I was in an Anthropology-based FIG called Top Paging Dr. Darwin and found it really helpful in figuring out what my future career would look like; alongside, getting well-versed with the University of Oregon and all its resources. I hope to help you gain this sort of clarity and information, with the bonus of just having a buddy to support you during this new transition. 

I’m excited to meet you all! And if you’ve got anything you want to reach out to me about, feel free to email me.


Sophia Piatti Photo
Peer Assistant: Sophie Piatti

Bio Coming Soon! 
