Academic Team:
Diane Hawley (
First-Year Experience Seminar Instructor
Lauren King Watt (
FIG Assistant
9 credits
UGST 109 First-Year Experience Seminar - 1 credit
KLA 107: M 9 - 9:50 AM
CRN: 16229
CH 111 Introductory Chemical Principles- 4 credits
COL 150: MWF 8 - 8:50 AM
CRN: 10980
MCK 240C: T 8 - 9:50 AM
CRN: 15454
MATH 111 College Algebra - 2 credits
COL 150: MW 12 - 1:20 PM
CRN: 15787
STB 151: R 4 - 4:50 PM
FEN 117: F 11 - 11:50 AM
CRN: 15788
About the FIG:
Are you ever frustrated by the level of science literacy among the public, especially as it impacts policy decisions or general wellbeing? As a student and consumer of science, do you wish for more substantive explanations of science topics in the popular press or, conversely, do you often find such explanations too complex or irrelevant? Do you ever struggle to explain science concepts to family and friends in a way that is both interesting and engaging but also not too complicated? This FIG will consider how science stories and information are presented by mainstream, popular, and social media, emphasizing how scientific knowledge and issues can be most effectively communicated to nonscientists. Students will have the opportunity not only to consider and discuss these topics but also to complete a creative project to present a STEM topic of their choice to an audience of their choice using, for example, a children’s book, coloring book, pamphlet, or video.
This FIG is unavailable for Advanced Registration. The math and chemistry placement tests must be completed prior to students being eligible to enroll.
CH 111 Introductory Chemical Principles- CoreEd or major satisfying course
This course familiarizes students with the foundational concepts and models of modern chemistry while emphasizing problem solving and critical thinking skills that will support students' success as they continue their studies. Fundamental mathematical techniques and skills are incorporated to illustrate the quantitative aspects of chemistry and to develop student ability to model quantitative systems.
MATH 111 College Algebra - CoreEd or major satisfying course
This course begins by building familiarity with functions, including notation and the rate of change in a function. Linear functions, including lines of best fit, are discussed. Evaluation, identifying domain and range, and the basics of composition and inversion of functions follow. Quadratic and polynomial functions are introduced along with roots and extrema of quadratic functions. Exponential and logarithmic models are discussed with a focus on applications. Finally, transformations of functions are covered. College algebra is a calculus preparation course and as such has a strong algebraic focus.