Academic Team:
Maria Licia Aldana Rogers (aldanaro@uoregon.edu)
First-Year Experience Seminar Instructor
Oliver Bastian (obastian@uoregon.edu)
FIG Assistant
6 credits
UGST 109 First Year Experience Seminar – 1 Credit
CRN: 16269: M: 4:00- 4:50pm, MCK 158
SPAN 201 Second-Year Spanish – 5 credits
CRN: 14981: MTWR: 3:00- 3:50pm, MCK 158
About the FIG:
Would you like to be bilingual some day? Are you drawn to art (murals, paintings, music, movies, crabs)? This FIG is designed for students with prior experience with Spanish. Our activities outside class will center on becoming familiar with Spanish-speaking cultures right here in Eugene. We will celebrate art as we enjoy a private tour of an art exhibition in the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art on campus, take a walking/bus tour of the 20x21 Mural Project in the city of Eugene, participate in Día de los Muertos festivities and even rent a local theater to watch a movie in Spanish. If you are open to meeting new people, getting extra practice speaking Spanish outside the Span 201 class, learning about art created by Spanish-speaking artists in our region and beyond, this is the FIG for you.
SPAN 201 Second-Year Spanish - CoreEd or major satisfying course
The Spanish 200-level sequence is an intermediate-level course designed to provide you with an active and rewarding learning experience as you (1) strengthen your language skills (real-world, or instrumental, use of Spanish), (2) deepen your knowledge of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, and (3) use a second language to improve your overall literacy (reading, writing, listening, speaking).
The completion of this sequence (SPAN 203) is one means of satisfying the UO BA language requirement. These courses devote extensive practice to oral skill development in real-world contexts; by the end of the sequence, the average student should be able to converse with native speakers on many topics of everyday interest (family, studies, travels, holidays, etc.), as well as articulate the most important cultural, social, and historical information about Spanish-speaking communities around the world. The goal we set for most students corresponds roughly to the Intermediate-Mid level of the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, although many students may surpass this basic level, depending on their personal investment in the course and hours of study.
Language study is a crucial part of a broad education. As a core part of a humanities curriculum, these courses expose students to the diversity of cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Students will be exposed to and asked their views on current political and social issues, history events, expressions of art and music, and other related areas.