This Is Me Faculty and FIG Assistant

Derek Brandow photo
FIG Faculty: Derek Brandow

Derek Brandow is the Instructor of Confidence in the School of Journalism and Communication. He received an undergraduate degree in Education from the University of Oregon in 2000, and a graduate degree in Education from Pacific University in 2002. Since 2002 Derek has been an elementary school teacher, business school professor, start-up CEO, chicken farmer, and he has traveled all over Oregon for AT&T. It has been in the past 10 years Derek has embraced confidence as a state of being, versus a state of doing, and vulnerability as the pathway to the kind of connections we want the most. The two FIG courses he is teaching this year are guided explorations outside of comfort zones to find a place of belonging we are desperate for.

In his spare time Derek can be found in his garden with his daughters singing to tomatoes and bees, drinking americanos at Vero Espresso House, cooking with his wife, or sitting around a backyard campfire with his pipe, laughing, swapping stories.


Aubrie Cross photo

FIG Assistant: Aubrie Cross

Hi there! My name is Aubrie Cross and I am the FIG assistant for the This is Me FIG. I will be a third-year at UO studying Business Marketing. I am so excited to meet you all!

I’m from here in Eugene so I can let you know all the cool spots to check out. I love the PNW and everything Oregon has to offer. I am always down for an adventure.

In my free time I enjoy any outdoor activity, playing piano and electric guitar, thrifting and any kind of coffee (but an iced lavender latte is the way to my heart). I am passionate about meeting people and love making new friends every single day.

I am super excited to be the FA for ‘This is Me’ this year. This FIG will push you out of your comfort zone and make you a more confident person. It is such a transformational experience and I would recommend it for anyone!

I was once in your shoes, so please reach out if you have any questions!
