A FIG Proposal is submitted by the faculty member(s) who would like to teach the 1-credit FIG Seminar in the fall.
FYE Seminar
The FYE Seminar is a 1-credit seminar. The seminar is led by a faculty member, who typically also teaches one of the academic courses in the FIG, with the assistance of an undergraduate FIG Academic Assistant (FA). The faculty member and the FA work collaboratively to help students draw connections between the two lecture courses in the FIG and integrate well into university life.
FIG Program Goals
- Develop mentor relationships between student and faculty members
- Make connections between academic classes and potential majors or career paths
- Cultivate intellectual curiosity
- Develop a sense of community among students with similar interests and create a sense of belonging
- Connection of students to vital university resources
FIG Student Enrollment Eligibility
Each FIG is limited to 20 students. The two academic courses will have both FIG and non-FIG students enrolled; only the 1-credit seminar is exclusive to the FIG. (When possible, discussion sections of one or both of the academic courses will have only students from the FIG.)
Compensation for teaching a FYE Seminar
Total compensation for teaching a FYE Seminar (UGST 109) course is $2,000 (+OPE*, if taken as pay). Two faculty members can co-teach a FYE Seminar course and share the compensation. For more complete information, see
2023-2024 FIG Program Compensation Policies
*OPE: Other Payroll Expenses. These are expenses that the University (through your department) pays for you such as: PERS contributions, Social Security, Medicare, Workers Compensations, etc. Any health insurance costs are paid by the faculty’s home department.
FIG Proposal Process
The two academic classes must be regularly taught, introductory-level courses that meet general-education requirements. (A Deep Dive FIG may have one 300 level class.) The courses should be from different disciplines, but be linked by a common theme.
To propose a FIG:
- Contact the Assistant Director of the FIG Program, Jackie Etchison at 541-346-1241 or email jle@uoregon.edu
- Determine the FYE Seminar theme and the two academic courses you would like to link.
- Obtain the signatures requested on the 2024 FIG Proposal Form WORD or PDF. Written approval by email is also accepted in lieu of a signature with the attached files
- Attach the syllabus from each of the two academic courses and return the proposal to Jackie Etchison, First-Year Programs, 107 Oregon Hall or by email (preferred) at jle@uoregon.edu