We want to get to know you before we meet in the fall! Your summer assignment is to post a "get to know me" message. Your post can be as little or as much as you would like, but we would love to see a picture of you and/or your pets. There is not a template, and this is nothing formal. All you have to do is write about yourself! Some topic suggestions include but are not limited to:
- Your name.
- Where you are now.
- Why you chose UO.
- Have you ever had Spanish? If so, how many years?
- Have you been doing anything fun during the past few months?
- How did your high school celebrate graduation?
- Do you have pets?
- Favorite color, food, hobbies, place, singer, sport, etc.
After you have posted your message, you must REPLY to at least 5 people. You can comment on other posts by clicking on the reply button under their message. The more interaction the better!
Let's get to know each other!
Common Reading