TRIO SSS Faculty and Peer Assistant

Shari Schoohs Photo
Seminar Faculty: Shari Schoohs
Hi y'all! My name is Shari and I am an advisor in the TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) program. I am originally from a small town in Wisconsin and moved to Oregon three years ago. As a first-generation, low-income student in my undergrad, I can relate to TRIO students and really enjoy empowering students to get the most they can from their college experience! In addition, I am teaching this class because I wrote my masters thesis about the challenges and barriers that transfer students face, and we hope that this class and the connections from it help reduce those barriers and aid in your transfer student success! On a personal note, I love cheese, hiking, using my creativity, doing trivia, and hanging out with friends. My partner and I have two cats we call the X-kitties as they are both named after X-Men! Cannot wait to meet and get to know you all :)
Brianne Williams photo
Peer Assistant: Brianne Williams

Hi everyone! My name is Brianne and I'm looking forward to being your Seminar Assistant this fall! Im originally from San Diego, California and moved to Portland a couple of years ago. For my first year of college, I attended Portland Community College, then I transferred to University of Oregon. Ill be going into my junior year, pursing a BA and majoring in Human Physiology! In my free time, I enjoy going on walks/ hikes, spending time with my friends and family, listening to music, and recently have gotten back into reading! 

As a transfer student, being new to the university can feel a bit overwhelming, but TRIO SSS Transfer Transition is designed to help make your transition to UO smooth and easier! This class is a great way to meet other students and get to know some staff members to build a community here at the university. 

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you have about anything, and I'm super excited to meet all of you in the fall! 
