Academic Team:
Michael Kellman (kellman@uoregon.edu)
First-Year Experience Seminar Instructor
Emily Elbaum (eelbaum@uoregon.edu)
FIG Assistant
7 credits
UGST 109 First Year Experience Seminar – 1 Credit
CRN: 16277: T: 9:00 – 9:50 AM, ONY 171
CH 221 General Chemistry – 4 credits
CRN: 11117: MTWRF: 11:00 – 11:50 AM, COL 150
CH 227 General Chemistry Lab – 2 credits
+LAB CRN: 11123: T: 4:00 – 6:50 PM, KLA 109
Matrix View Schedule
About the FIG:
Are you interested in science and wondering how it can fit with your plans for college, and life beyond? We'll talk about how to make science, college, and life work together for you.
Here are some things we'll get into:
- What is research and why should it interest you? How to take advantage of research at UO.
- Helping your professors help you
- Building a career based in science.
- What are employers looking for? One thing employers say they want is critical thinkers. What does this mean in science? How does a first year science student think critically?
- How to use your college experience to make employers interested in you – Start early!
- And much more!
This FIG is unavailable for Advanced Registration. The math and chemistry placement tests must be completed prior to students being eligible to enroll.
CH 221 General Chemistry - CoreEd or major satisfying course
Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes that it undergoes. It is a science that is central to our understanding of the natural world and it serves as a foundation for all other scientific disciplines. The General Chemistry sequence, beginning with CH 221, is designed for science majors and pre-professional students, and provides an introduction to the experimental and theoretical foundations of chemistry. Students will gain factual knowledge about the terminology and language of chemistry as well as an understanding of the underlying reasons why chemical processes occur. They will be expected to interpret, reason and problem solve using fundamental chemical principles.Upon successful completion of this first course in the sequence, students will have an understanding of the basic scientific measurement system, chemical calculations, the components of matter, the use of formulas and equations in relation to chemical calculations, the major classes of chemical reactions, heat changes associated with chemical reactions and atomic structure.
Interwoven throughout the sequence will be an emphasis on development of the problem solving skills fundamental for success in future science courses.
Courses in the General Chemistry sequence are to be taken in order and students enrolled must have completed at least one year of high school chemistry or the equivalent. Portions of the sequence are somewhat math intensive and for this reason, College Algebra (MATH 111) is a pre-requisite for CH 221.
CH 227 General Chemistry Lab - CoreEd or major satisfying course
First term of the three-term laboratory sequence: basic laboratory skills, quantitative relationships, qualitative analysis, calorimetry.