Post-IntroDUCKtion FIG and Runway Registration

If you want to sign up for a FIG or Runway, call or email us today!

Signing up for a FIG guarantees your spot in popular lecture courses. In addition to offering great classes to students, FIGs enrich your first term at the university through the personal interaction with FIG faculty members as well as peer support from the FIG Assistant, who is a current undergraduate student that has already taken and been successful in the FIG classes. You will engage in the academic intersections of the FIG topic, and go on social outings together throughout the term! A few examples are taking a trip to the Oregon Coast, having dinner at a faculty member’s house, and movie nights.

Runways let you build your first-year around tracking down answers to big, urgent, interesting questions, and blaze a path through your Core Education requirements. You take a year-long seminar with the same professor and 23 peers, and get guaranteed spaces in popular lecture courses.

Our program offers a variety of FIGs and Runways that stem across 40 academic departments. You can browse through the FIGs and Runways by clicking on the buttons below, where you can learn more about the courses offered, who teaches the FIG/Runway, and see the schedule. 

In order to enroll in a FIG or Runway, you need to email or call us as registration is done directly through our office. The information we will need to sign you up for your desired FIG or Runway is your name, student ID number (this is the 951-number used for Duckweb), and the FIG or Runway name you are wanting to add.

If you didn't attend a summer IntroDUCKtion session, and are planning on attending IntroDUCKtion during Week of Welcome in September, joining a FIG or Runway is a great option! By signing up for a FIG or Runway now, you will be registering for classes and will have ½ of your schedule for fall term. These programs are an excellent opportunity to dive into your major, explore academic interests, or discover an entirely new subject to study!

In order to sign up for a FIG or Runway, you will have to go directly through our office by phone or email.
