Parlez-vous Python Faculty and FIG Assistant

Michal Young

FIG Faculty: Michal Young

Hi, I’m Michal Young. I’m a computer scientist specializing in software engineering, but with eclectic interests that include the ways our programming languages help or hinder problem-solving. I look forward to exploring the relations between human language and computational processing of natural and artificial languages with you. This is not a well-explored topic with textbooks full of knowledge that has been accumulated and refined over time. That’s the point: I want to bring you along as I think about how to think about these topics, what questions to ask, and how to find and evaluate provisional answers.  

In addition to programming, my passions include coffee (I roast my own) and long distance cycling.  I have ridden up to 270 miles in a 24 hour period. I have completed three grand randonnées, 1200km (750 miles) in 90 hours: The Cascade 1200, the Rocky Mountain 1200, and Paris-Brest-Paris (which is pictured here).  


Quin Enyart Photo

FIG Assistant: Quinn Enyart

Hello everyone! Welcome to Parlevous Python! My name is Tsuquindaro Enyart, but you can call me Quinn and I use she/her pronouns. I'm excited to be your FIG Assistant this year and get to know you all!

I am a junior here at UO, pursuing a degree in Data Science with a minor in Biology.

My hometown is just outside of Portland, but I have always loved Eugene and I like to call it home! Some activities I enjoy outside of school are hiking or camping, crafting jewelry, and of course enjoying time with friends.

I hope we can create an awesome environment for you guys and connect with one another. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, ideas, or just want to chat. Let's make fall term a great first term for you!
