International Outlook Faculty and FIG Assistant

Photo of College Connections faculty for International Outlook, Jane Cramer.

FIG Faculty: Jane Cramer - Politcal Science, College of Arts and Sciences

Jane Cramer focuses on the study of international relations, specializing in international security. She teaches courses on The Causes and Prevention of War, US Interventions, and Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Nonproliferation. Her current research projects include examining the causes of state misperceptions of security threats, examining tradeoffs between national missile defense and cooperative efforts for nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, and re-examining the diversionary theory of war.  


Ezra Briskin Photo

FIG Assistant: Ezra Briskin

Hi everyone! My name is Ezra (he/him), and I am absolutely thrilled to be your FIG assistant for the International Outlook FIG! I am a third-year student from Philadelphia majoring in planning, public policy, and management (PPPM) with a minor in music. In my free time, I love to do anything music-related (play, listen, talk, anything!) and read. I’m currently reading Tevye the Dairyman - which is the novel that inspired Fiddler on the Roof - and my current favorite band is probably Steely Dan.

I am so excited to get to know all of you and your passions this fall! This FIG is a little outside of my areas of study, so I am really looking forward to learning from you as much as you will learn from me. I truly believe that collaborative educational environments are an incredible tool for forming social connections outside the classroom and I am pumped to be able to build that community with you! If you have any questions or concerns or just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I’ll see you in the fall and Sco Ducks!
