FIG Faculty: Mokaya Bosire - Department of Linguistics, College of Arts and Sciences
Mokaya Bosire is a Senior Instructor at the Department of Linguistics. His research centers in the sociolinguistics of African youth languages, urban vernaculars, hybrid and mixed languages, language contact and language teaching. Mokaya teaches and coordinates the Swahili language program and as a core faculty member of the African Studies Program, he teaches & coordinates the interdisciplinary Intro to African Studies class. Passionate about presenting Africa in novel ways, Mokaya teaches an African folklore class, Voices of Africa, a class that explores everyday life in Africa and helps to connect the local African community with students through class events and guest lectures from community members.
Dr. Mokaya has travelled widely and leads the Swahili Study Abroad program in Zanzibar every summer. His hobbies include Ping Pong & Photography.