FIG Assistant: Skye Grubb
Hey everybody! I’m Skye Grubb and I will be the FIG Assistant for Cracking the Case: Forensics, Freshmen, and FIGs. I will be a third year Biological Anthropology major with an Earth Science (Paleontology) minor and a Middle East and North Africa minor. On campus, I work in both the Isotope Lab and Primate Osteology Lab through the Anthropology department.
I have lived in Oregon my whole life on a llama farm about an hour away from campus, where I go home to work intermittently throughout the year. Aside from llamas, I have goats, pigs, dogs, and even a peacock.
Here on campus, I spend my time preparing campaigns of Dungeons and Dragons and being both a player and a dungeon master in a handful of groups! I also take music lessons on campus, as I have been playing bassoon for ten years as of September. I also played tuba and trombone for a little while, but these days I spend a lot more time playing guitar (work-in-progress, haha) and bass guitar (much better)! I am just beginning to learn Arabic as well for my minor. I am very new to language study, but it makes for a great break from STEM homework!
I am very excited to work with you all! Please feel free to message me to introduce yourself or to chat about forensics, bones, paleontology, llamas, D&D, and more! Let me know if you have any questions as well. I am looking forward to meeting you all!