Animal Behavior Faculty and FIG Assistant

College Connections faculty member for Animal Behavior, Frances White, holding a turtle

FIG Faculty: Frances White - Department of Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences

Hello everyone! My name is Dr. Frances White and I am a biological anthropologist specializing in behavioral ecology. My research focuses on the evolution of primate sociality and social systems, including field projects with wild bonobos in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, free-ranging and captive primates in the US, and lab studies of primate morphology. I am a Curator of Primate Osteology with the University of Oregon’s MNCH and my lab houses the UO Primate Osteology Collection. My publications have appeared in the American Journal of Primatology, International Journal of Primatology, Folia Primatologica, and American Journal of Physical Anthropology. As well, my research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Leakey Foundation and other sources. I teach introductory classes on the evolution of human behavior and sexuality and a Freshman Interest Group (FIG) in animal behavior. My upper level classes focus on primate behavior, conservation, and feeding and nutrition. I have also taught graduate level biological statistics. Currently, I serve as the Head of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Oregon, Chair of the UO Committee on Courses and Chair of UO Academic Council. 


Sebastian Vagner Photo

FIG Assistant: Sebastian Vagner

Hi everyone! My name is Sebastian and I’m looking forward to being your FIG assistant for Animal Behavior this fall! I’m from Frederick County, Maryland, which is very different (and very far) from Eugene, but by now I’m well-adapted to life here. I’m going into my third year here at the University of Oregon as I pursue a BS in Anthropology (with a concentration in Biological Anthropology). Outside of the classroom, I’m involved with anthropological lab work and I enjoy poetry, listening to music, and hiking.

I’m excited to meet you all in the fall! Until then, if you have questions or concerns about school, anthropology, biology, or anything else, feel free to shoot me an email. If you’re just interested in introducing yourself or chatting, that’s cool too! Otherwise, I’ll see y’all in September!
