Featured FIGs: European Grand Tour, Explicit Content, and Exploring Africa

These three featured FIGS are part of the broader FIG offerings for fall of 2016. To see the full list please visit the Finding the FIG For You page.


This FIG will take a “Grand Tour” of the European continent, considering how ancient and modern interact in Europe today and introducing students to a wide range of exciting faculty from across UO who participate in the European Studies program.

This FIG will explore sexual discourses in literature and early film. We will examine sexual norms and taboos and their representation and expression in works of literature, in society, in film, and in other cultural products. Please note that we may screen or discuss material that contains nudity, graphic violence, explicit sex and other potentially culturally sensitive themes/situations. If, for whatever reason, such subject matter makes you uncomfortable, it is worth considering whether this FIG is right for you.

Explore the cultural complexities of contemporary African societies through the complementary lenses of anthropology and international studies.