Featured FIGs: Speak Your Mind, Startups from the Ground Up, and Stories we Tell

These three featured FIGS are part of the broader FIG offerings for fall of 2016. To see the full list please visit the Finding the FIG For You page.


How much does language affect how we think, and how we experience the world? This FIG explores the importance of language in our everyday lives, and in what it means to be human, by investigating the relationship between language and thought.

Would you like to be the next dorm-room entrepreneur, like Mark Zuckerburg? Then you will need a technical co-founder. The best way to find one or, even better, become one, is this: Learn to Code. Start building your tech skills (CIS 111) and your business plan (BA 101) by taking this FIG.

Our FIG investigates the relationship between stories and identities through the analysis of film, novels, plays, and philosophy.